APIs Backwards and Forwards Compatibility - How To Avoid Breaking Changes

Successful APIs are adopted and used by thousands of clients, how can we manage changes without breaking them?


7 min read

Designing APIs is non-trivial, especially because, at design time we have limited information about their use and consumption.

Today we are going to talk about APIs, Backwards and Forwards Compatibility... and how to bump the version of an API in case there is a need for it.

Practical example

Let’s start with an example, lets say we have an API, something similar to Twitter, with an endpoint that accepts a payload like this:

    "username": "PeterMcKinnon",
    "tweet": "Happy New Year!!!"

and returns the feed:

        "username": "PeterMcKinnon",
        "tweet": "Happy New Year!!!"
        "username": "Programmer",
        "tweet": "I ❤️ GoLang"
        "username": "DancingPanda",
        "tweet": "Exhausted after dancing for 4 hours!!!"
        "username": "GingerBread",
        "tweet": "I hate 🥛"

The Service

For this tutorial I wrote a simple service in GoLang returns does exactly that:

package main

import (

var tweets = fetchTweets()
var mu = sync.Mutex{}

type Tweet struct {
    Username string `json:"username"`
    Tweet    string `json:"tweet"`

func main() {
    fmt.Println("Starting Tweet API v1.0 - Listening...")
    http.HandleFunc("/feed", twitterFeed)
    http.ListenAndServe(":3000", nil)

func twitterFeed(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    decoder := json.NewDecoder(r.Body)

    var req Tweet
    err := decoder.Decode(&req)
    if err != nil {
        http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)


    js, _ := json.Marshal(tweets)
    w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")

func fetchTweets() []Tweet {
    return []Tweet{
        {"PeterMcKinnon", "Happy New Year 🎆"},
        {"Programmer", "I ❤️ GoLang"},
        {"DancingPanda", "I Love 💃🏼 Dancing"},
        {"GingerBread", "I hate 🥛"},

func persistTweet(tweet Tweet) {
    defer mu.Unlock()
    tweets = append(tweets, tweet)

We can test it with:

curl -X POST -d '{"username":"Anto","tweet":"My first 🐦"}' localhost:3000/feed

Our API is consumed by clients written in many different languages, let’s create a simple test to emulate the client consuming it.

The Client

For simplicity and conciseness I created a test in Javascript using Mocha:

let chai = require('chai');
let chaiHttp = require('chai-http');

describe('Tweets', () => {

  describe('/POST tweet', () => {
    it('it should return the feed', (done) => {
          .send({username: 'Anto', tweet: "Hi 👋 from OutOfDevOps"})
          .end((err, res) => {
            res.should.have.header("content-type", "application/json");

If I execute this test with npm test I get:

> npm test
    /POST tweet
      ✔ it should return the feed

  1 passing (23ms)

🎉 We have a “Client” compatible with our API that can consume it.

Fast forward a couple of months

Now we have our API serving millions of customers, and hundreds of developers around the world developed clients and applications to interact with it.

This is amazing 🤩 and at the same time terrifying 😱 because now any change to the API can have an impact on our clients and on our business.

So, if we change our API, we can risk breaking all our customers, let’s see now how this can be avoided.

Backward and Forward Compatibility

Back to the code... we need new implement new features, we want to add the # HashTag.

Checkout the branch v1.1, we have added a new property to our struct:

type Tweet struct {
    Username string `json:"username"`
    Tweet    string `json:"tweet"`
    HashTag     int `json:"hash_tag"`

Now when we run our tests:

> npm test
    /POST tweet
      ✔ it should return the feed

  1 passing (23ms)

All good, nothing broke!!! Customers and business are happy.

The change we have just done is a non-breaking change and falls into the category of backwards-compatible changes.

Backward-Compatible changes

A backwards-compatible change to an API is a change that when applied doesn’t have any impact on clients created for a previous version of that API.

In general, the following are Backwards Compatible changes:

  • Adding a new method/endpoint to an API
  • Adding new fields to request/response messages
  • Adding new query parameters

Instead, these are common Backward-incompatible changes:

  • Renaming an API method/endpoint
  • Renaming fields in request/response
  • Changing types for fields in request/response
  • Changing the status codes
  • Changing headers (”content-type” etc...)

It is advisable when possible to implement backward-compatible changes, but is not always possible.

Forward-Compatible changes

Before we continue with the tutorial I want to also talk about Forward Compatibility from an API point of view.

Now that we introduced a new field in the v1.1 we can expect clients updating to the new API and they can start adding the new field in their requests.

describe('/POST tweet', () => {
  it('it should return the feed', (done) => {
      .send({username: 'Anto', tweet: "Hi 👋 from OutOfDevOps", hash_tag: "#hi"})

Let’s see if we go back to our version v1.0 and we hit it with a client for v1.1...

We get an error:

> npm test
    /POST tweet
      ✔ it should return the feed

  0 passing (23ms)
  1 failing

This error happens because we are too strict in the validation of the payload and we reject any payload with unrecognised fields.


So we can say that an API is forward compatible when clients written for a more recent version also work with older versions of the API. To do that the API needs to be is less strict (more liberal) with the requests received - Robustness Principle

⚠️ There might be security reasons for strict validation, so always consider the tradeoffs

Backward Incompatibility

Backward-Compatible changes should be the preferred way but as we said it’s not always possible. Sometimes we don’t have alternatives and we have to introduce a breaking change.

When this happens we have two options, we could use an approach called expand and contract or we could “bump” the version of the API.

Expand and Contract

Essentially, in the case of renaming request/response fields (a breaking change), instead of directly modifying the request/response we “expand” the request/response by adding a field (a non-breaking change).

💡 In some cases adding a new field is not practical and may be necessary to create a new method that can operate with the updated request/response.

Back to our code, we want to rename the filed tweetbody. So, we “expand” our response with the new field

package main

import (

var tweets = fetchTweets()
var mu = sync.Mutex{}

type Tweet struct {
    Username string `json:"username"`
    Tweet    string `json:"tweet"`
    Body     string `json:"body"` //ADDING NEW FIELD INSTEAD OF RENAMING TWEET
    HashTag  string `json:"hash_tag"`

func main() {
    fmt.Println("Starting Tweet API v1.2 - Listening...")
    http.HandleFunc("/feed", twitterFeed)
    http.ListenAndServe(":3000", nil)

func twitterFeed(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    decoder := json.NewDecoder(r.Body)

    var req Tweet
    err := decoder.Decode(&req)
    if err != nil {
        http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)


    js, _ := json.Marshal(tweets)
    w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")

func fetchTweets() []Tweet {
    return []Tweet{
        {"PeterMcKinnon", "Happy New Year 🎆", "Happy New Year 🎆", "#2022"},
        {"Programmer", "I ❤️ GoLang", "I ❤️ GoLang", "#coding"},
        {"DancingPanda", "I Love 💃🏼 Dancing", "I Love 💃🏼 Dancing", ""},
        {"GingerBread", "I hate 🥛", "I hate 🥛", ""},

func persistTweet(tweet Tweet) {
    if len(tweet.Body) != 0 {
        tweet.Tweet = tweet.Body
    } else {
        tweet.Body = tweet.Tweet
    defer mu.Unlock()
    tweets = append(tweets, tweet)

So, now we have to wait for clients to migrate to the new field name, and then we can execute the contract phase where we decommission the deprecated field.

This approach allows to temporarily preserve Backwards and Forwards Compatibility.

💡 It is encouraged for private APIs, where you have full control over the clients using it, and not recommended for public APIs where will be impossible to migrate 100% of the clients and execute the contract phase.

Version “bump”

Bumping the version of an API is another way to introduce changes to an API without impacting clients.

Two common ways of versioning APIs are:

  • Path-based versioning (or URL versioning)
  • Header based versioning

Path-based versioning - when the version of the api is defined as part of the path:


Header based versioning - can be done using custom headers:

Accepted-version: v1
Accepted-version: v2

or standard headers:

Accept: application/vnd.tweets+json;version=1.0
Accept: application/vnd.tweets+json;version=2.0

With version bumping you can create a new API version without affecting the clients of the old version.

Version bumping and “expand and contract” will both require a deprecation period, during this period

💡 It is important to collect stats on usage of versions, to decommission the deprecated methods/versions.


Designing APIs is hard, nailing it at the first attempt it’s even harder. So we have to accept the fact that our APIs will change and that changes can affect both clients and business.

As software engineers, our job is to minimise the risks of changes and today we went through some of the most common techniques to do that.

🌯 The takeaway: backward compatible changes are obviously preferred but not always possible. If a breaking change is needed, consider Expand and Contract for situations where you can execute the contract phase, and “bump” the version otherwise.